How often do you search for a ‘health care clinic near me’ on the web? That’s because one can have a wide range of health and wellness needs. Healthcare clinics can help you with both preventive health care and ongoing health and wellness needs.
One of the most effective ways to keep track of your physical well-being is to have regular blood tests, which can be obtained through a procedure called venipuncture. Getting tested at regular intervals can help you recognize how your body changes over time and empower you to make better healthcare decisions.
Even if you’re seemingly well or have a minor health issue, most health consults include a routine blood test. But what are doctors looking for in these blood work numbers? And how frequently do we have to have blood drawn? Here is a guide to keep you informed.
What is Actually Being Checked or Monitored in a General Blood Test ?

Blood tests are critical when it comes to evaluation of changes in the body over time, as well as assisting in early diagnosis of possible health issues. Also, any change in your body caused by any medical condition will first reflect in your blood, therefore it becomes easy to identify.
Your physician will prescribe routine blood work based on your age, gender, medical history, and family risk factors. Blood sugar tests, routine tests for blood cell counts, and metabolic functions (how your body converts what you eat and drink into energy) are done as part of the baseline tests. In most cases, your doctor will order panels that check several things simultaneously. Some of the most common blood tests in general care are as follows:
1. Complete Blood Count (CBC)
2. Basic Metabolic Panel (BMP)
- Mineral ions and electrolytes such as chloride, potassium, calcium, and sodium.
- Markers and enzymes secreted by the liver, spleen, kidneys, and glands.
- Urea, ammonia, and creatinine like excretory products.
- Blood sugar levels and specific proteins that indicate organ function.
3. Lipid Panel
- Triglycerides
- High-density lipoprotein (aka good cholesterol)
- Low-density lipoprotein (aka bad cholesterol)
- Very-low-density lipoprotein (aka the component that creates the greatest risk of heart diseases)
Other commonly prescribed blood tests include
- Mineral Panel Test – Many individuals have inadequate amounts of iron, vitamin D, and vitamin B12. Nutrient testing can detect these deficiencies.
- Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) Test – Thyroid testing examines the thyroid gland, which controls important hormones and impacts mood, energy, and metabolism.
- Hemoglobin (Hgb) Test – A hemoglobin A1C test provides a more accurate overall picture of blood sugar for diabetic individuals than basic glucose testing.
- C-Reactive Protein (CRP) Test – The liver creates a protein called C-Reactive Protein when the body is inflamed. Massive trauma, intoxication, poisoning, autoimmune illnesses, and cardiac disease are possible causes. C-Reactive Protein tests are critical in detecting major disorders, such as heart disease.
- During your yearly general physical examination, you can be recommended annual blood tests. Results will allow the doctor to examine the functioning of your body more closely and detect any early warning signals of a variety of medical disorders.
- If you are obese, diabetic, have heart disease, hypertension, liver disease, or kidney disease, your doctor will recommend more frequent blood tests. Individuals with underlying problems may require blood tests every three to six months.
- Symptoms that appear suddenly, such as shortness of breath, exhaustion, frequent urination, and swelling in the legs and face, all necessitate a doctor’s visit right away. A series of blood tests will be ordered by the doctor in order to make a thorough assessment of any potential disease and final diagnosis.
How Frequently Should You Get A Blood Test?

Do Blood Work Recommendations Vary for Women and Men?
While there are similarities in baseline blood work tests for both women and men, the timing and specific tests required can differ based on gender. For instance, men are more susceptible to elevated cholesterol levels. Therefore, they may require lipid testing more frequently than women. On the other hand, women are more prone to thyroid disorders and low Vitamin D levels. So, in their case, they may require these tests at regular intervals.
In addition, individuals with existing medical conditions may require certain tests done regularly regardless of their gender. It is crucial to consult with a primary care physician to determine the appropriate blood work requirements based on individual health factors.
Does Blood Work Change As We Age?
- Blood clotting tests (PT/INR) for seniors on blood thinners
- Heart function testing using the BNP peptide
- Serum iron test measures the amount of iron in the blood.
- Vitamin B-12 test to measure the amount of B-12 in the blood.
How Long Does Blood Work Take?
What Should You Eat or Not Eat Before Blood Work?
What Should I Expect At The Time Of Blood Draw?
A phlebotomist will clean the skin over your vein before blood draw, which is a simple procedure. Depending on the number of tests and their requirements, the samples will be collected in a few test tubes. A sterile bandage or cotton is applied to the puncture site.
Although your primary care clinic will fill a different vial for each panel, you may only need one needle. Samples are sent to a lab by your doctor’s office, and results are usually received within a few days. If one of your baseline blood tests returns abnormal findings, additional tests may be recommended by your provider.
The Importance of the Blood Work Procedure
Patient-centered medicine is based on an understanding of each individual’s needs. Blood tests allow us to create a baseline for vital functions and then monitor them on a regular basis. At EliteCare Health Care Centers, we aim to ensure that everything inside your body is running smoothly and that any possible problems are identified as soon as possible. We understand that some patients are apprehensive about going to the doctor, but it’s the best way to figure out any medical conditions early on. Diagnosis and treatment can begin in the initial stages of the problem. All this can happen by making primary care genuinely routine, with an emphasis on wellness. So let’s fight our inner fears, visit our providers regularly, get checked up, and keep ourselves healthy.
Visit your nearest EliteCare Health Centers, one of the best medical clinics in Florida, offering a wide range of senior care services including venipuncture, dental cleaning, etc. Schedule an appointment now by calling +1 888-596-2090 and know the components of your blood.